Each painting for me is a kind of adventure. I paint things that move me, and hope that some grain of truth about the world I see and know can be revealed within. I work and rework a painting until it finds me. I use color to evoke mood and essence, and strive to connect outer subjects to an internal impression, a world they leave me with.
I find a tremendous sense of grace exists within the natural world, and wish to share these impressions with others, hoping they might find beauty there as well.
Science fiction and fantasy subjects are also huge inspirations for me; I enjoy working with Robbie the Robot, Star Wars or any fantastic place I can get to for the escapism, challenge and sheer fun they offer me. The connection I feel with science fiction or fantasy inspired work cannot be understated; I find that the passion of the person who commissions a sci-fi or fantasy painting ignites my own passion to see it done also. It becomes a growing and evolving effort from the collector to me, and then back again...
-Andy C.